Prerequisite: You need to know what this algorithm is about; else it will appear to you another aimless paper which you tried to understand during the eleventh hour of your course.
Attentively listening to a lecture on this algorithm, one can realize how true this algorithm is. Following are the facts which could be observed:
1. It is male dominated society at outside, so only man proposes.
2. It is female dominated society at inside, so only female has the power to reject an offer. She can keep the relationship alive or break it.
3. Male are always greedy, they run behind the best. Hence many guys will propose to the same best lady and try their luck. It happens mostly to all Indian cinema Heroines. Female are always pragmatic and are very cautious in choosing their partner. As a result man gets his best (strictly literal) valid partner and a woman settles with her worst (not strictly literal) valid partner.
4. Due to unknown reasons if invalid partners enter into a relationship it is always weak, unstable and will dissolve as soon as one (mostly female) gets a better offer.This is often the story line of many Indian TV soaps.
Thus this algorithm has demystified the secret of stable relationship by strongly recommending to choose a partner who rates you equally as you do him/her. So next time avoid being filmy, apply GS algorithm before proposing to increase your success rate.
“Will you Marry me………….?”
Reference: Chapter 1, Kleinberg & Tardoss Book on Algorithm
Pic Source: Internet