We have seen the Indian government emblem in Crumpled Indian Currency, Indo-Saracenic Government buildings, Hedging Government official conferences, Ambiguous Government notices, etc. (If you are scratching your head about what the emblem is, then the picture(source: Internet) below will help you :-) ).
When we travel back to our slumbering social science classes of fifth grade, we could re-collect that each animal in the emblem depicts an attribute for a prosperous nation. (If you are too interested to re-collect, then please visit the site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emblem_of_India for more information). Now are you wondering whether I wrote this blog to re-collect our social science class?
Yes and no. I wanted to know to who are considered to be the Three Lions of India and whom do you think could be named as three lions of India? Just like new Seven Wonders of the World, this is an attempt to identify new three lions of India. (Of course the results will be unofficial one) Let us see who the new three lions of India are!!!
Well, for the former question, you can refer the site http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/Maharaja_Ranjit_Singh_(Punjab) and do not forget to post your nomination entry for the latter query at the below comments section!!!
Friday, 24 December 2010
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Where have I gone wrong?
Can you prove it? - A small exercise for your brain.
We all know area formula for various standards shapes, but have you ever wondered how these would have been derived or at least tried to verify it? I came across this thought while observing beautiful design works on the floor of a temple and tried my hands to find the area of somewhat bigger hexagon than the one shown below. You too try it out and post your finding in the comments section. Let us try to learn the basics, as basics are vital to start revolutions!!!!!!
Consider each
to be one 1 sq meter for our convenience and prove the area formulae for above hexagon.
So our hexagon has 3
on a side, and it is a regular hexagon. Regular hexagon is made up of 6 equilateral triangle and area formula for an equilateral triangle is (sqrt (3)/4)*(side) ^2. Hence our formula answer is 6*((sqrt (3)/4)*(side) ^2) = 23.38, but there are only 19 smaller hexagon. Could you identify where I have gone wrong in my calculation?
Example: Here you can see how formulae for calculating area of a square are verified.
Area formulae for square: (side) ^2. In above figure each side of the square consists 3 smaller hexagon, so according to area of square formula it amounts to be (3) ^ 2 = 9 smaller hexagons. If we count the number of hexagons in the above square it totals to 9. Thus the area formula for square has been verified.
In subsequent posts, let’s divert our attention on how these formulas were derived. Happy learning!!!
We all know area formula for various standards shapes, but have you ever wondered how these would have been derived or at least tried to verify it? I came across this thought while observing beautiful design works on the floor of a temple and tried my hands to find the area of somewhat bigger hexagon than the one shown below. You too try it out and post your finding in the comments section. Let us try to learn the basics, as basics are vital to start revolutions!!!!!!
Consider each
So our hexagon has 3
Example: Here you can see how formulae for calculating area of a square are verified.
Area formulae for square: (side) ^2. In above figure each side of the square consists 3 smaller hexagon, so according to area of square formula it amounts to be (3) ^ 2 = 9 smaller hexagons. If we count the number of hexagons in the above square it totals to 9. Thus the area formula for square has been verified.
In subsequent posts, let’s divert our attention on how these formulas were derived. Happy learning!!!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Do you live in 'FUTUROPOLIS' ????
Q: What are the two things that occupied most thought power in every successful civilization?
A: Knowledge and food
In modern terms, it is Internet and healthy cuisine and according to contents available in AOL quoting Forbes China report, these two are the upcoming business trends in China, what else is needed to say China is becoming new super power?
Source: http://www.forbes.com/2010/03/16/china-best-sme-markets-emerging-markets-up-and-coming.html
This is reinforced with the new fact: Hu jintao beats Obama in recent list of powerful people in the world.
Source: http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2010/11/03/forbes-10-most-powerful-people-in-the-world/?icid=maing%7Cmain5%7C3%7Clink2%7C23376
This is not an extolling blog on China, but seeks attention from other Asian countries that are slowly pushed to comatose state due to increasing urban life demands and clogging public services. They need to learn from China.
If we be conservative and cocoon our approach, then it’s not the age of ours. Emblematic city for this notion is Singapore, which is termed as the important future city of the world ‘FUTOROPOLIS’,
Source: http://techcrunch.com/2010/11/03/how-singapore-could-become-the-most-important-city-in-the-emerging-world/
This is the Age of Information and only he would survive who is open to all thoughts and wills to share with others.
Since, knowledge grows when shared, :-)
Now some fun quotient, if you want to know the power of knowledge, please refer the following blog to uncover it
If you differ from my opinion, please do share your thoughts in the comments section below. I am eager to expand my horizon of thoughts with your valuable thoughts.
Thanks to all above mentioned article authors for providing me a glimpse of future and feed to write this recapitulate blog.
Pics source: from Internet
A: Knowledge and food
In modern terms, it is Internet and healthy cuisine and according to contents available in AOL quoting Forbes China report, these two are the upcoming business trends in China, what else is needed to say China is becoming new super power?
Source: http://www.forbes.com/2010/03/16/china-best-sme-markets-emerging-markets-up-and-coming.html
This is reinforced with the new fact: Hu jintao beats Obama in recent list of powerful people in the world.
Source: http://www.walletpop.com/blog/2010/11/03/forbes-10-most-powerful-people-in-the-world/?icid=maing%7Cmain5%7C3%7Clink2%7C23376
This is not an extolling blog on China, but seeks attention from other Asian countries that are slowly pushed to comatose state due to increasing urban life demands and clogging public services. They need to learn from China.
If we be conservative and cocoon our approach, then it’s not the age of ours. Emblematic city for this notion is Singapore, which is termed as the important future city of the world ‘FUTOROPOLIS’,
Source: http://techcrunch.com/2010/11/03/how-singapore-could-become-the-most-important-city-in-the-emerging-world/
This is the Age of Information and only he would survive who is open to all thoughts and wills to share with others.
Since, knowledge grows when shared, :-)
Now some fun quotient, if you want to know the power of knowledge, please refer the following blog to uncover it
If you differ from my opinion, please do share your thoughts in the comments section below. I am eager to expand my horizon of thoughts with your valuable thoughts.
Thanks to all above mentioned article authors for providing me a glimpse of future and feed to write this recapitulate blog.
Pics source: from Internet
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Smart work, a work of great merit?
Origin of word:
Define smart (Source – Google): capable of independent and apparently intelligent action, showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness, painfully severe, quick and brisk and also chic: elegant and stylish.
Evolution of word:
People have left both positive and negative terms of smart word and stuck on to its neutral term, chic, elegant and well groomed. In long run, it turned out that, even if you don’t have the capacity to do it, you try to achieve it. Thus it indirectly implies, it is a crooked or cover-up work. So, smart work became skullduggery from directed drudgery.
At this occasion, I would like to recall third grade syllabus to your memory on usage of levers. Do you think expending the energy to move a heavy log would be intelligible or use a lever, exert less pressure at efficacious point would be meaningful? Yes, such utilizable information was taught at tender age, as we grew, we too transformed to crowd our mind with unnecessary information in the name of specialization at expense of basics.
Still finding it difficult to understand, take Need For Speed (NFS game). How many attempts would you take to win the race if you follow the normal route and how many, if you make use of short cuts hidden in the map? Don’t you save time and attempts by exploring short cuts hidden in the map?
From student to today’s military strategist, reconnaissance attacks(model exam, spied info) is the most preferred one to outsmart the competitor. Any Tom, Dick and Harry can do hard work which needs only cent percent commitment. Brute force password attack best exemplifies mere hard work. But to do a smart work, it needs far foresight of results, deep insight of situation and elimination of any possible oversight. Thus devise a foolproof approach to haul definite result utilizing resources in optimized fashion. Sniffer attack, Phishing attacks exemplify smart work. After this sickening scientific explanation, don’t you even have a tinge of feeling that, Smart work too is a hard work, but one with proper direction?
First version: Hard work Latest version: Smart Work
Define smart (Source – Google): capable of independent and apparently intelligent action, showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness, painfully severe, quick and brisk and also chic: elegant and stylish.
Evolution of word:
People have left both positive and negative terms of smart word and stuck on to its neutral term, chic, elegant and well groomed. In long run, it turned out that, even if you don’t have the capacity to do it, you try to achieve it. Thus it indirectly implies, it is a crooked or cover-up work. So, smart work became skullduggery from directed drudgery.
At this occasion, I would like to recall third grade syllabus to your memory on usage of levers. Do you think expending the energy to move a heavy log would be intelligible or use a lever, exert less pressure at efficacious point would be meaningful? Yes, such utilizable information was taught at tender age, as we grew, we too transformed to crowd our mind with unnecessary information in the name of specialization at expense of basics.
Still finding it difficult to understand, take Need For Speed (NFS game). How many attempts would you take to win the race if you follow the normal route and how many, if you make use of short cuts hidden in the map? Don’t you save time and attempts by exploring short cuts hidden in the map?
From student to today’s military strategist, reconnaissance attacks(model exam, spied info) is the most preferred one to outsmart the competitor. Any Tom, Dick and Harry can do hard work which needs only cent percent commitment. Brute force password attack best exemplifies mere hard work. But to do a smart work, it needs far foresight of results, deep insight of situation and elimination of any possible oversight. Thus devise a foolproof approach to haul definite result utilizing resources in optimized fashion. Sniffer attack, Phishing attacks exemplify smart work. After this sickening scientific explanation, don’t you even have a tinge of feeling that, Smart work too is a hard work, but one with proper direction?
First version: Hard work Latest version: Smart Work
"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world." Archimedes (287 - 212BC)
Authored by: Kanagasabai Sivanadian Date: August 13, 2010 Images source: Internet
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Are you Harry Potter||Frodo Baggins||Santiago||Oliver Twist?
Why fantasy novel heroes are ordinary and they are forced to achieve extraordinary feats?
This question was encountered by me at Deepak Sagar’s post in FaceBook posed by Nitin. I tried to answer this question and it struck to me that the space provided for reply was short and there is lot to write about, thus it gave birth to this blog!
Here Nitin discussed about Harry Potter and in later posts also cited Frodo of LOTR. In these fantasy novels, the above mentioned characters are very ordinary, do not have any extra talent or not even try to acquire such talents to counter their all powerful baddie. At the end they acquire extraordinary skills thru sheer destiny and defeat the invincible rival! Doesn’t it sound droll to you? They do not crave for publicity, instead publicity craves for them. And all the above they suffer for the well being of ignorant mortals and in return for their good deeds, they become immortals or legends!
Do these traits fit for fantasy novels alone? Nope, with slight alterations, they best fit for all commercially successful novels and films. Yes, films! The word film would have driven the message to your sixth sense. From Alchemist to Kane & Abel, Brave heart to American pie, you can associate yourself with any one character, live with them and also try to imagine a different situation to make the character look better and more successful than the original! ( Hey, you too transform into a novelist! )
So, could we conclude that these novel writers are cousins to script writers of films? Both write stories which appeal to mass, spin out money and fame for them. So, should novel writers be allowed to share the credit of language, society, culture and human development? Do we need to shun the gullible child within us? Aren’t we treasuring our favorite childhood toys till today and first recollect the tales of our hero when any kid asks us to narrate a story.
Every human has his own dream hero. This mannerism got ingrained with humans’ right from he started to think about success. When books were not popular, local bigwigs and folklore legends were role models. Before films, novel heroes were icons. Dreams were centered on film heroes whose position has been taken by legends in real life. Still we do like all and secretly wish to be like them. Let us believe that we are heroes, do not lose the power of imagination and achieve feat. Let us keep the child within us alive!
Images - Internet
This question was encountered by me at Deepak Sagar’s post in FaceBook posed by Nitin. I tried to answer this question and it struck to me that the space provided for reply was short and there is lot to write about, thus it gave birth to this blog!
Here Nitin discussed about Harry Potter and in later posts also cited Frodo of LOTR. In these fantasy novels, the above mentioned characters are very ordinary, do not have any extra talent or not even try to acquire such talents to counter their all powerful baddie. At the end they acquire extraordinary skills thru sheer destiny and defeat the invincible rival! Doesn’t it sound droll to you? They do not crave for publicity, instead publicity craves for them. And all the above they suffer for the well being of ignorant mortals and in return for their good deeds, they become immortals or legends!
Do these traits fit for fantasy novels alone? Nope, with slight alterations, they best fit for all commercially successful novels and films. Yes, films! The word film would have driven the message to your sixth sense. From Alchemist to Kane & Abel, Brave heart to American pie, you can associate yourself with any one character, live with them and also try to imagine a different situation to make the character look better and more successful than the original! ( Hey, you too transform into a novelist! )
Yes, everybody wants to be hero, leader, icon, celebrity, matchless, indispensible part of society, savior of human race, chosen by divine providence and so on, but it needs dexterity in real life which many find hard to accept it as it involves lot of hard and smart works, so they want it thru fantasy methods and their heroes in these films and novels achieve it no time or by fantasy methods. Thus, they believe they have achieved it when the character gets it, they succeed when their characters succeed, they are humiliated when their character is humiliated, and the list goes on. But these feelings are secretly harbored by many, nurturing them in privacy and openly exhibited by few. The few forming lunatics and the many becoming polished cosmopolitans!
So, could we conclude that these novel writers are cousins to script writers of films? Both write stories which appeal to mass, spin out money and fame for them. So, should novel writers be allowed to share the credit of language, society, culture and human development? Do we need to shun the gullible child within us? Aren’t we treasuring our favorite childhood toys till today and first recollect the tales of our hero when any kid asks us to narrate a story.
Every human has his own dream hero. This mannerism got ingrained with humans’ right from he started to think about success. When books were not popular, local bigwigs and folklore legends were role models. Before films, novel heroes were icons. Dreams were centered on film heroes whose position has been taken by legends in real life. Still we do like all and secretly wish to be like them. Let us believe that we are heroes, do not lose the power of imagination and achieve feat. Let us keep the child within us alive!
Images - Internet
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Attention Business Analysts
I encountered an enigmatic state when I tried to reason an analytical matter with reasonable radical thinking, till now I am amused with it. It even made me to give pensive thoughts on whether I need to go for any analytical course to tweak my rusted cells! Hey, am I eating into your patience, how about you giving a try on the issue? What will you get if your elucidation is found to be satisfying? Well, glory to you, peace to me & knowledge for all of us. Please leave your resolution in the comments section below.
Here goes the affair, “If you were the designer of mobile embedded code, what would you like the mobile to do when the user had set an alarm and turned on the silent mode? Would you recommend normal alarm features, such as lights & sound or else what?”
Are you heading to a deadlock? Then let us do a small prognosis test, what results when three cube is subtracted from three times ten? Got the answer, yes it is 3! Go to above paragraph and start again. You didn’t get 3, then take a break and come back after some time. Answer with reason; even you can try it out with your device and resolve it, but save it for last attempt.
Summer End bonanza! Along with above question, please do answer the corollary too. Which machine you wish not to be made antique by the ever growing mobile phone features?
One more thing to add, if you find you need a course work, do not worry! IIT Bombay has come to your rescue; it has rolled out a year long course for just 1, 17,500 rupees to impart business analytical skills into your cells. Eligibility factors mentions that you need to have 1 year work experience, so does the price tag too! For more appropriate information, please refer to Education plus Tabloid of The Hindu newspaper, dated June 14, 2010 from which it was gathered.
GIF Image Source: Not Known, Hence assumed to be Internet
Here goes the affair, “If you were the designer of mobile embedded code, what would you like the mobile to do when the user had set an alarm and turned on the silent mode? Would you recommend normal alarm features, such as lights & sound or else what?”
Are you heading to a deadlock? Then let us do a small prognosis test, what results when three cube is subtracted from three times ten? Got the answer, yes it is 3! Go to above paragraph and start again. You didn’t get 3, then take a break and come back after some time. Answer with reason; even you can try it out with your device and resolve it, but save it for last attempt.
Summer End bonanza! Along with above question, please do answer the corollary too. Which machine you wish not to be made antique by the ever growing mobile phone features?
One more thing to add, if you find you need a course work, do not worry! IIT Bombay has come to your rescue; it has rolled out a year long course for just 1, 17,500 rupees to impart business analytical skills into your cells. Eligibility factors mentions that you need to have 1 year work experience, so does the price tag too! For more appropriate information, please refer to Education plus Tabloid of The Hindu newspaper, dated June 14, 2010 from which it was gathered.
GIF Image Source: Not Known, Hence assumed to be Internet
Friday, 28 May 2010
My points for Ponting
A column composer needs something to stimulate him to produce a piece. This something in metamorphic terms must be like a decaying wood for termite, expresses his views with much relish where he unbinds his skein creativity about an already known issue. One such issue which caught the eye’s of this column composer was “Ponting suggests having best-of-three finals for T20 tournaments” published at rediff.com. Result, following column!!!!
Wow, best of three finals for T20 means 3 more T20 matches, more cheerleaders, more advertisements, more theoretical commentaries and pompous post match analysis and still many more becomes more and more. In this list of more, we should also not forget to include mores of player injuries, loss of uncertainty of T20 which made it popular, loss of patience of ebullient cricketing mob, etc. We too like to write our final exams for three times and get our best score recorded in progress card out of three. But does it mean it is a final exam score? Anyhow evaluator of our answers will oppose such moves, since he would be driven to nuts to see unique mistake made each time by us for the same question. T20 is like competitive exam where knowledge alone doesn’t matter; time management and smart work make it more competitive and attractive. T20 too have its difference when compared to Test match. Test match is where you need to show your skill of cricket for cricket lovers, whereas T20, expose your smartness for cricket mobs. Every time aussies cannot be taming all others just like ‘scoring centum in all subject’ dream of a young Indian student. Well, I hope the aussie legend would have understood the nuance in these two formats of the game. When an ant slips, it doesn’t catch our attention, but when an elephant slips it never misses our attention. Even if our beloved education minister and some fanatics of our state propose radical ideas in lines with this format for writing 3 exams,
We are ready, is our examiner ready for it?
Pic Source: thesuperficial.com
Wow, best of three finals for T20 means 3 more T20 matches, more cheerleaders, more advertisements, more theoretical commentaries and pompous post match analysis and still many more becomes more and more. In this list of more, we should also not forget to include mores of player injuries, loss of uncertainty of T20 which made it popular, loss of patience of ebullient cricketing mob, etc. We too like to write our final exams for three times and get our best score recorded in progress card out of three. But does it mean it is a final exam score? Anyhow evaluator of our answers will oppose such moves, since he would be driven to nuts to see unique mistake made each time by us for the same question. T20 is like competitive exam where knowledge alone doesn’t matter; time management and smart work make it more competitive and attractive. T20 too have its difference when compared to Test match. Test match is where you need to show your skill of cricket for cricket lovers, whereas T20, expose your smartness for cricket mobs. Every time aussies cannot be taming all others just like ‘scoring centum in all subject’ dream of a young Indian student. Well, I hope the aussie legend would have understood the nuance in these two formats of the game. When an ant slips, it doesn’t catch our attention, but when an elephant slips it never misses our attention. Even if our beloved education minister and some fanatics of our state propose radical ideas in lines with this format for writing 3 exams,
We are ready, is our examiner ready for it?
Pic Source: thesuperficial.com
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Paint and Preserve the Singara Chennai!!!!
“Paint historical pictures on compound walls” says Mayor…………….These lines published in my neighborhood newspaper ‘Mambalam Times’ catalyzed my thoughts to write this piece.
The initiatives taken by the corporation to ban sticking of bills on private walls, government buildings public properties and simultaneously promoting the idea of coloring these walls with splendid paintings are laudable. This initiative not only makes our Chennai ‘Singara Chennai’, it provides livelihood to many artists by staging their workmanship.
One such lucky wall was that of YMCA adjoining to Anna Salai. The marvelous watercolors over there depicted Mahabalipuram sculptures, classical dance postures, traditional farming, etc which provided feast to the commuter’s eyes, revitalized their tired souls coming back from office and energized going back to office on that busy road. These paintings not only displayed our cultural heritage and artistic tastes to new comers but also helped us to remember and protect them with pride. But this wall was not blessed for a long time, as the chennai’s monsoon had its way with it and tarnished its splendor. Now the condition of these walls are pitiable than those stuck with posters.
And at the same time corporation should find some other means for the posters as they are one of the most effective low budget advertising medium instead of banning them completely. Like providing areas similar to Notice board at public places such as bus stand, etc and charge a nominal fee with a time period for the display. Thus it would become a win-win situation for both. As usual, public should play vital part in it and I feel that we are becoming more conscious of it these days.
The initiatives taken by the corporation to ban sticking of bills on private walls, government buildings public properties and simultaneously promoting the idea of coloring these walls with splendid paintings are laudable. This initiative not only makes our Chennai ‘Singara Chennai’, it provides livelihood to many artists by staging their workmanship.
One such lucky wall was that of YMCA adjoining to Anna Salai. The marvelous watercolors over there depicted Mahabalipuram sculptures, classical dance postures, traditional farming, etc which provided feast to the commuter’s eyes, revitalized their tired souls coming back from office and energized going back to office on that busy road. These paintings not only displayed our cultural heritage and artistic tastes to new comers but also helped us to remember and protect them with pride. But this wall was not blessed for a long time, as the chennai’s monsoon had its way with it and tarnished its splendor. Now the condition of these walls are pitiable than those stuck with posters.
My humble suggestion to corporation and others who are going to implement and patronize this idea is to build overhangs on the top of the wall so that the rain water doesn’t deteriorate the painting on these walls as shown in the picture which find in the modern constructions serving this purpose.
Picture Courtesy: www.johnbridge.com
And at the same time corporation should find some other means for the posters as they are one of the most effective low budget advertising medium instead of banning them completely. Like providing areas similar to Notice board at public places such as bus stand, etc and charge a nominal fee with a time period for the display. Thus it would become a win-win situation for both. As usual, public should play vital part in it and I feel that we are becoming more conscious of it these days.
Paint and Preserve the Singara Chennai!!!!
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