Saturday, 6 June 2009

Season Contests: The effects

I am used to the habit of sleeping in the window seat of a running bus and carried this on in my company bus too often during journey towards home and sometimes on vice versa too. On other occasions I get chance to hear FM channels in crackling speakers of the bus when the driver is on happy note as I do not prefer ear phones much. On one such occasion, during the IPL fever season I happened to listen to one of the programs which was aimed at increasing the popularity of channel by keeping contests themed on silly slogans and questions. Do you feel offended? Here, one such question was

“How many hands does umpire raise to declare a batsman out!”
I got too bored of sightseeing the same road day after day and decided to test my luck in the contest. I messaged my slogan to the slogan contest thinking that at least this one is more sensible and application oriented one. Then this part of my life slipped away from my memory for next few days. On one fine morning when my computer was as usual in the mood of non-cooperation, my cell phone buzzed. Wondering who on this earth is calling me at my stressful moments; I picked the phone to hear a pleasant voice on the other side of the link. It verified my authentication by just asking my name (information security designers should ignore this line, as it might hurt their feelings :-P ) and conveyed the surprising news that I had won consolation prize for my slogan. My first impression was that of prank call, later my investigation on web using the facts such as phone number proved to be valid. I was on cloud nine and expressed my surprise to one of my team mate who in turn broadcasted to all irrespective of gender, race and religion. Thus I became one day celebrity with lot of wishes pouring from many known and unknown faces. Thus on that weekend I started for the channel’s office to claim my gift with lot of dreams.
“It could be a pass for a couple to dine and wine in 5 star hotels ……. No no, it
could be a gift voucher for five hundred bucks …..No since it’s a gift hamper it
might be free subscription for magazines……..”
these were the speculation by my colleagues about the gift on previous day.

Gentle breeze was providing me some relief from the scorching sun of May, though I was highly boosted with the thought of gift. I approached police personnel on the way and sought his directions to reach the office. With pride in my eyes, I claimed my stake with watchman, who was the only person available at that time in the office. The duty conscious man made me to repeat my name and phone number like an imposition for umpteen numbers of times to authenticate my claim. During this phase of activity my mind at the back started to think that whether this gift is really a huge amount, why this guy is not yet satisfied my voice not so pleasing or I am not doing any performance which could be requested for once more. At last I got frustrated and said that I would sign in any documents if any required. After sensing frustration in my eyes, the guy started to put a soft drink bottle in a big carry bag. I thought “Oh it might me some shirt, pen, cap and a bottle; I hope it has good design and color combination”. He then placed one more bottle, then one more and finally one more. Hence my gift hamper turned out to be four soft drink bottles. With moistness in my eyes and fake grin in my face, I began my return journey. On the way, I met the same police personnel who enquired about the bottles and disclosed the information that many guys had come from morning to seek such bottles. With the dashed hope that I was not the only one to receive consolation prize too, I inched towards my home.You would be wondering, what were my slogan lines for the contest. I respect your curiosity, but Oops! This link (in my memory) appears to be broken. (These are the words I often find during my search for a web page)

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Access Denied!

At last, I got answer to my 5 minute long prayer. Transport facility granted by my state’s government stopped at bus stop to ship me to the commercial heart of city for helping me to meet my pal. I climbed into the not so crowded automobile when the sun was moving close to earth to take better look of me in my new attire. I was greeted by the dull glances of the bus keeper, to whom I requested the authorization slip to travel in the vehicle till my destination which was two bus stops away with a 10 rupee note. The bored looks of his got some wrath mixed and bounced back my application as the charge was only two rupees. Fate got interest in me and hence I lacked the exact precious amount. Now, he was completely engulfed in wrath and asked me to get down at the next stop. I too in turn swallowed some puffs of air to gain some over confidence and retaliated his attack with the re-appeal of granting a ticket till the bus’s final destination. For this, the gentleman of India politely kicked me out of the bus.

Friends, what do you think I should have done in this situation?