November 29, 2008
Ahimsa, does this word have any value in today’s world? “We want to be heard, our view should be accepted” is what every rebel outfit claims as sole reason for its existence. Is that what they do? This big symbol of doubt should be considered seriously by every person who funds it, every person who supports it, and every person who follows it. Do they strive to achieve their objective in true spirits? Or have they reaped any useful long lasting results that could be adored by humanity? Are they trying to instill patriotic feelings in the youth for restoring law and order with touch of harmony? Else are they blinding them with feeling of hatred and disgust by taking advantage of their pathetic backgrounds to gain their personal motives?
“Use heart for life and brains to survive”
It’s no use to blame each other for the cause, but the last moments for rooting up those causes from human history with mutual aid. Every nation should first accept that a destructive material is not only hazardous for the enemy, but also for them. You cannot buy a friend and also an enemy. We as souls who have concern to hand over a safe future to our younger generation must work out to find a solution to remove this hatred from these blindfolded radicals instead of eliminating them from face of earth. Otherwise it would result in further aggravation of the already hurt hearts filled with feelings of distrust and anger. It may sound odd, unrealizable; even you might think that whether I am out of my brains. I can understand your feelings of having lost your loved ones due to these psycho attacks, your fume of anger for having lost the meaning of your life. Though Nathuram Godse was able to kill the mortal form of Gandhi, but he failed to in his motive, that is to eliminate the gandhian philosophy. This philosophy of Non violence had inspired many souls to become true leaders of humanity. This piece of approach called Ahimsa helped India to free itself from the clutches of colonization powers, identify her true identity and flourish as a world power. It had made the most atrocious, arrogant colonial power to accept its defeat just with a smile and made it to think that it’s not burden of white man to educate the black, but he too is a human. We have to prove to the world that we don’t have only an adorable history, but we do create new ones for every age.
Let us Non violently eliminate this feelings of violence from globe together as a human race!
“Its root meaning is holding onto truth, hence truth-force. I have also called it love-force or soul-force. In the application of satyagraha, I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one’s opponent but that he must be weaned from error by patience and compassion. For what appears to be truth to the one may appear to be error to the other. And patience means self-suffering. So the doctrine came to mean vindication of truth, not by infliction of suffering on the opponent, but on oneself” – Mahatma Gandhi
Tipped by,
Kanagasabai s