Sunday, 30 November 2008

!(HIMSA) == Ahimsa

November 29, 2008

Ahimsa, does this word have any value in today’s world? “We want to be heard, our view should be accepted” is what every rebel outfit claims as sole reason for its existence. Is that what they do? This big symbol of doubt should be considered seriously by every person who funds it, every person who supports it, and every person who follows it. Do they strive to achieve their objective in true spirits? Or have they reaped any useful long lasting results that could be adored by humanity? Are they trying to instill patriotic feelings in the youth for restoring law and order with touch of harmony? Else are they blinding them with feeling of hatred and disgust by taking advantage of their pathetic backgrounds to gain their personal motives?

“Use heart for life and brains to survive”

It’s no use to blame each other for the cause, but the last moments for rooting up those causes from human history with mutual aid. Every nation should first accept that a destructive material is not only hazardous for the enemy, but also for them. You cannot buy a friend and also an enemy. We as souls who have concern to hand over a safe future to our younger generation must work out to find a solution to remove this hatred from these blindfolded radicals instead of eliminating them from face of earth. Otherwise it would result in further aggravation of the already hurt hearts filled with feelings of distrust and anger. It may sound odd, unrealizable; even you might think that whether I am out of my brains. I can understand your feelings of having lost your loved ones due to these psycho attacks, your fume of anger for having lost the meaning of your life. Though Nathuram Godse was able to kill the mortal form of Gandhi, but he failed to in his motive, that is to eliminate the gandhian philosophy. This philosophy of Non violence had inspired many souls to become true leaders of humanity. This piece of approach called Ahimsa helped India to free itself from the clutches of colonization powers, identify her true identity and flourish as a world power. It had made the most atrocious, arrogant colonial power to accept its defeat just with a smile and made it to think that it’s not burden of white man to educate the black, but he too is a human. We have to prove to the world that we don’t have only an adorable history, but we do create new ones for every age.
Let us Non violently eliminate this feelings of violence from globe together as a human race!

“Its root meaning is holding onto truth, hence truth-force. I have also called it love-force or soul-force. In the application of satyagraha, I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one’s opponent but that he must be weaned from error by patience and compassion. For what appears to be truth to the one may appear to be error to the other. And patience means self-suffering. So the doctrine came to mean vindication of truth, not by infliction of suffering on the opponent, but on oneself” – Mahatma Gandhi

Tipped by,
Kanagasabai s

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Toughie – questions when posed to you for answering, though you know the answer or want to express your opinion, you can’t do so! Irrespective of whether your country provides you the freedom of speech or not, if yes and whether it has sub clauses or not, etc. Because you are forced to follow the civilities of public behavior and expressions, as your words are valued. Please note, the usage of word VALUED, it implies your market rate or brand rate.

However the questions may be silly, you should not crack out. But yes, with your civil reply you can crack the questioner, but it rarely does occur as it needs extra wit. Let me cite you some instances of such stupid questions which are valued lot in day to day activities.

Whenever I tune a channel in my television, that too during festival days, your eye sockets will easily spot interviews of famous actors of upcoming releases directed by famous directors. The very first dissecting question from the airhead interviewer to the charismatic interviewee would be “How did you feel to act under such a big director and famous banner?” And guys you could obviously guess the answer which runs in the lines like” it was a great experience, I learned a lot from him, etc……..” To add more to his fate, the actor( actress, comedians, support cast……..who ever who has face value) have to repeat the same answer for many interviews in a row, still more worse is that we by luck have to hear all those, every time they are broadcasted.

Next toughie poser I would like to discuss about is RJs. These species of mankind are really unique. They can talk non stop in Tamil, with out bothering whether they are informative, or non stop nuisance to the listeners. These guys favorite toughie is “Aprom epadi irrukinga?” even if they are standing before a cemetery!

Coming to the college life, which I experienced in my near past, I would like to give first privilege to the Defense time of final year project scenario. After each member of the project has explained in detail about the various aspects of the project, the most minds cracking considered question pops out from the scholarly professor would be “What is your contribution”, though you might have said it in your objective itself.

I have got the opportunity to present five technical papers in national level symposiums organized in various colleges. As they say though Indians vary by language, traditions, color, etc. they have same patriotic feeling in heart, Indianess. So is the case here too, irrespective of the college and paper I presented, I was posed with same question “Is it feasible to implement?” Hey come on man, I am presenting a theoretical solution, if it was a practical one, then I would go for project presentation.

At last I want to end with funniest of all; we would have written aim of an experiment in our record/exam using words which are as present in question, but with extra word “To” add as prefix to the sentence. Example: Qà“Implement …………………..” Aim à “To implement……………………….” Rewarding part of it is you would be awarded 5 marks for this answer. Wasn’t it really rewarding? And perhaps only few such toughies exist today!

Note: The above idea and some instances were borrowed (also got inspired) from the cranks corner of T.Nagar Talk.

tipped by,

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Reap the days of delay

September 30, 2008

As days roll, so does your call date evade you. This day, that age your seniors finished their training and were inducted into projects. But you are still waiting for a single call, courier, and mail from your recruiter as a ray of hope at the end of dark tunnel. This is the situation with many of the engineering graduates of 2004-2008 batch, who were short listed by IT majors and are facing delay in joining the organization due to economic crisis that history is sure to record with black letters. You would even derive an expression which confirms proportionality between sensex crash and your hope. Who is to be blamed?
To add more to your worries, the constant nagging questions from your neighbors and relatives about your call date dries more of your spirit of hope and confidence. The worried expression of your parents devastates the already ruined expectations. It seems as if the entire world has started to press you down at the time when you were about to unfurl your wings after a long time of careful preparations. Every individual will give you a vague counsel which will lead you to astray from your goal and cause frustrations. What to do? How to spend the time? When would I be called? What to say about the delay in DOJ when asked by others? How to give peace of mind to my anxious parents? These questions would be haunting you often. Here are some of the ways I follow and wanted to share with you. As I am an engineering graduate with discipline as information technology, so my activity would be oriented towards information technology, but you may alter it according to your discipline and situations, as our goal is same.

## I keep in touch with my organization HR team regularly. I contact them first to clarify about the rumors and then I forward it to my friends. Thus you can avoid unnecessary panics. Some times they might even suggest you to learn about some technologies which you might feel useful in your future job.
## I stay in touch with my friends, share with them my time. This is the juncture of life when they would need you much. Your kind and encouraging words will boost their confidence. We can make best use of the many communities like yahoo groups, orkut, etc for this purpose.
## I help my parents with their household chores and office duties in whatever small way as possible. Now is the time you can devout much of your time to your family, with persons who love you more than their life.
## I spend time to update my knowledge in many other fields which I missed due to the hectic education schedule of the past five years (12th + 4 yrs B.E). You can even closely watch the happenings in politics, stock market, film industry, etc. One day it may make you a worthy consultant.
## I devout some time to develop my hobby of writing short stories and reading novels. One day or the other you would surely master the art.
## If finance is a problem for you, your family needs your assistance then you can do part time jobs. But the real problem is, when the employer finds you to be an engineering graduate with good academic track record, he will be unwilling at first. But with your earnest approach you could secure the job.
## If finance is not a problem to you, then you could undertake courses which would be useful for your career and higher education. But if you believe you can self learn it, then you have more than sufficient resources and materials available over net provided by many noble open source people. I follow the later. Moreover many think course to be technical ones like J2EE, .NET, etc. You can also learn languages like French, German, etc and other non technical related ones which would enhance your future career.
## You can also devout your time for volunteer services and learn many things about society, people attitude, group work, planning, etc in real time environment. You can practice " Serving humanity is serving god ".
## If you are good at human handling and business management, you can gather some of your friends, start a small level business or project like developing web sites, applications, etc and thus earn while you gain valuable experience. Currently I am in the analysis phase of this step doing feasibility study.

Thus there are thousand ways for a person who wills, not even one for a hopeless. Life in words of Swami Vivekananda is “the tendency of the unfolding and developing of a being under circumstances tending to press it down”. So friends I just wanted to share with you this thought and appeal you to be filled with this outlook only

“Past is experience, present is experiment and future is expectation. Put your experience in the experiment to achieve the expectations “.

All the best for the sooner arrival of your call date!

Tipped by your friend,
Kanagasabai S

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Auto Win-Win Theory

Honk, honk, honnnnnnnnnnnnk………….sound from the auto brought me to heels as it was already late to start for my destination. After lot of hurdles and tensions of last minute check ups, I boarded the Chennai’s most distinguished transport, which is much hyped about its fares and driver’s behavior. As usual on the way I forced out a genteel conversation with the punctual auto driver who generally remains silent. After touching many topics on day to day affairs, I gently inserted the subject of article in The Hindu on how to handle auto drivers which was published few days before with great amount of cautious and well balanced words. He accepted the views of passengers, but exposed the other part of reality.

Auto drivers too are conned by passengers and also ill treated. Some persons board auto and ask to be dropped in front of complexes. When they reach destination, they suddenly realize that they have misplaced their wallet, ask driver to wait for some time at the gate (as in many complexes autos are not allowed inside) to fetch money and slip through the other gate. He says this type monetary damage too can be put up with, but what to do for their life and social security problems? Autos are the most easiest and unproblematic vehicle to be hired in city. So they become easily the transport medium for miscreants and criminals without the knowledge of driver. In the end these drivers are harassed by police for no fault of theirs in the name of investigation. Today even some women passengers provide nightmarish experiences for auto drivers. The crooks in the guise of womanhood force them to part with their money by threatening with woman harassment complaints. He lamented that there is no proper law, consortium or government set up to guard their welfare, but only present to fix the meter charges!

After hearing his part of discussion, I rebuked back “Then you mean we have to accept the harassment on both sides silently?” He replied back with the lines of an economist theory which he read from one of the news articles and follows. “You are father of two sons and have brought a cake for them. Both of them want to have a bigger share of it, then how could you satisfy both? Simple, just lay the constraint that, let elder son cut the cake into two pieces and youngest choose his piece of cake from them. Automatically justice will be done for both.”
After hearing these lines and grasping its content, I realized that we had reached our destination, Have You?

Tipped by,
Kanagasabai S

Monday, 18 August 2008

Practise alone makes man, A Donkey

Four to five guys were chit chatting on various issues from call dates to latest gadgets, from philosophy to modern art in the cool night breeze of the august season. Our discussion mainly iterated over the need of practise than knowledge. i along with my friend argued that knowledge is only second to practise, as they say "Practise makes the man perfect" . My other friends disagreed with this view. i gave example of skilled labour, seniority in government services, etc to support my statement.
My friend widened my vision with following story.......................

There was a salt trader in a seashore village who used to sell salt in the nearby villages. every day he used to load two heavy bags of salt on his donkey and rode it to the other villages by crossing a river. One day the donkey, missed his balance while crossing river due to the load and fell in the river. When he stood up and crossed the river, he felt the burden to be lightened as the salt got dissolved in water. Then every time he crossed the river, he fell deliberately and reduced his load. Trader understood the trick of donkey and one day loaded its bags full of sponge. This time, donkey repeated its trick, but to his dismay found the loads burden more as sponge had sucked water and added more weight.

So, donkey lacked knowledge,his practise resulted in dangerous outcomes. Hence they say..........

Intelligent hard work never goes waste!

tipped by,
kanagasabai S

Friday, 15 August 2008

Aal paadi, Aadai paadi

My mom always used to say dress properly, otherwise you would not get the due respect in society. A person naturally judges fellow men by their dressing sense at first. Like body language, it speaks about your interest, attitude and character. You can't expect king's reception even if you are a king and dressed like a pauper, saying that you are humble. Hence, in today's corporate world too, if you don't know anything, at least show off as you know, then only you could survive these dog biting dog days. Dress is an important aspect of the previously mentioned lines. Similarly there are dresses to be adorned only for specific occasions, like full black dress for funerals( american way, white for indian way), etc.Traditional dresses are being discarded these days, or better to say being made as an antique, wore only on special days! these dresses were developed by our ancestors for many generations based on their research for suitable dress for our country's climate.

When you choose a dress for an occasion, you have to keep in mind, where you are going to go? with what type of people you are going to interact with, what you want to express to others and what they should infer from you? Most disappointing aspect is, most of the young people are being carried off by the wrong idea that if you wear today's fashionable dress, you are cool!

I witnessed this mind racking incident..........
A lady, middle aged, say 30-40 years old, a small protruding belly, pony tail hair, tight jeans pant, short shirt, plastic bindi, black coloured skin, facial features resembling that of a pakka south Indian and a child clutched in her hands( definitely, i would say its hers) was busily shopping in a super market nearby. A man came near to her, gave her a rupee, and said " I am sorry, i can provide only this much, and i feel pity on you and your husband for such an apathetic condition of your economic status, as you even can't wear good dress. But you can get more rupees to buy a descent dress, if each and every one here give you a rupee! bye!"

tipped by,
kanagasabai S

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Sadako Sasaki

This article was published in hindu, dated aug 5, 2008

Sadako Sasaki was two years old when Hiroshima was bombed. She survived the bombing, but was soon diagnosed with leukemia, the so called "atom bomb disease". A friend told Sadako that if she folded a thousand paper cranes, that gods would grant her wish. Sadako made over a thousand cranes before she died at the age of 12. The paper crane has gone to become symbol of peace. Sadako's friends and classmates wanted to build a monument for Sadako and for all other children who had been killed by the bomb. They collected money and in 1958 a statue of Sadako holding aloft a golden crane was unveiled. Inscribed below are the words:

This is our cry,
This is our prayer,
Peace in the world.

Above incident is not only to read, feel and shed two drops of tear. But not to repeat the mistake, else there would be none to shed tears about it.

We engineers and technologists, shaped by exceptional establishments should bring eminence to our motherland by further enhancing the mankind feats in accordance with nature. As they say a mistake done by architect can be covered by creepers, doctors can be buried and that of a lawyer can be covered by lies, but engineer's stands tall in the society.

ur friend,
kanagasabai S

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Is it Timidity or Humbleness?

6th August, 2008

You would have noticed some people being very quiet, talk only when it is necessary and stick with their work. They never boast; leave it, never even speak about their dexterity and achievements. They wait for opportunity, till then they analyze the situation, gather resources and tackle it with full force and always return with absolute result. It gives you opinion that they are not very sociable, do not posses any extra ordinary quality, etc. But when they surprise you with their result, you sit back and re-evaluate your opinion. They often surprise the world and are hard to be expected. I don’t say you were wrong in your evaluation; the fault lies in your inability to differentiate between persons who are timid and those who are humble. There is only hair size difference between them. Best parameter in my opinion is their way of conversation, if they are laconic and polite, it means they are humble and if subtle and polite then they are timid. The former will work out wonders, while later needs guidance and support to achieve same results. Often people miscalculate humble people to be timid ones and land themselves in difficult situations.

Here I want to share with you one of the anecdotes I read about Gandhi. This incident happened in one of his trips from Africa to India in ship. An English gentleman who couldn't tolerate Gandhi’s accomplishments in Africa gave him a set of abusive letters pinned together written by him to Gandhi. Gandhi received it, took the pin from the bunch of papers, kept it safely in his pocket and threw the papers into sea. The irritated gentleman took Gandhi to be a timid and chided him “You had essential advice in those papers, but you wasted them”. Gandhi who was humble replied back “I took what was considerable as worthy for me from it, thank you!”

Tipped by,
Kanagasabai S

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Playing as a Team

3rd August, 2008

Team player…….this word is often heard, said and practiced by students who are going to attend placement. They get guidance from seniors about how to be, better to say how to act as a team player! They even have a round called group dynamics in their interview selection. Every social animal is itself a best example to be a team player. My choice is ant, which looks as an ordinary species and very tiny, despite its appearance and vulnerability, it is one of the largest population on earth. All the credit goes to its team playing ability. So what can us infer from ants about team playing?

Every body in the team has a special ability, so no one is useless. Everybody in the team has to co-ordinate with other and adapts themselves to the situation. Optimized usage of resources is required with efficient time management. Better communication is an essential ingredient for humans like us. Most of all, ego must be avoided, no single person is a team leader, it is a well defined democratic set up with one or two representatives for the team.

Most suitable proverb is “Birds of a feather flock together”. Let me quote the incident where I got exposure to team playing, learnt and felt it. A group of six to eight boys including myself were staying back in the college hostel even after the exams for fourth semester got over. Reason we had got arrear in a paper of third semester, “Digital Design and Principles”. It was a black patch of our life, we felt as rusted particles of iron floating in the air. We were not able to face the truth and afraid whether we would clear the paper this time. One of our seniors was also staying back as he had an arrear to clear. The most frightening part of it was, he lost his placement in L&T due to it. We had nightmares haunting us in night and shame tagged to us in the morning. We sat together, came to conclusion that we would split the units among ourselves, learn it and teach it to others. Thus we can learn in depth, devout more time and encourage one another. The ones who couldn’t do it by themselves learnt from us and helped us in checking whether we grasped the contents properly. Hence as a team we struggled our way towards success. The D-Day came and we all, as a birds of a feather flocked together with flying colors!

Tipped by,
Kanagasabai S

Friday, 1 August 2008

Recipe of Oratory

1st August, 2008

Humans are best example of social animal. Generally they like to live in groups, share grieves and happiness together. Their favorite pass time is chit chatting with others. They need a leader to guide them. As man had invented the powerful tool of social life called “The Art of Conversation”, it is very essential for a leader to gain mastery in the ORATORY tactic. This ability not only helps him to achieve a celebrity status, but wealth, and power to change history itself. Historical evidences are from its inventors Greeks, followed my many persons such as Hammurabi, Hitler, to today’s politicians. This flute of power has three holes to control and maximize its music; they are words, expression and time.

Apt words should be added to your speech like salt to a dish. It helps the listener to search out the nucleus of your speech. A striking example is the following message I received in my mobile from one of my friends. There was blind beggar on a busy urban street begging for his alms. He didn’t get enough money and found tough to make two ends of his life to meet. A passerby took pity on him; he wrote some words on a placard and kept it near him. Thereafter the beggar received surplus money. Can you guess what those words would have been? They were “Today is a beautiful day, but I can’t see! “

Suitable expressions are needed to make the speech to be a believable one. It aids the listener to believe your words and realize its importance. Prominent models are the stage artists. At last, but not the least, the time of delivery is crucial. It may add extra spark to your speech or mystify it. The joke must be cut at right time; otherwise it will not be relished by the audience. For this I would like to quote my personal experience itself. It was during my first year of undergraduate course. Our English tutor had asked us to give self introduction. When I mentioned that I did my schooling in Sri Ahobila Math OHSS, my friend raghavan enquired about the uniform of the school. I said it was white dhoti and shirts. Trying to make fun of the situation, one of my classmates, Ms.Suganya shot the question “Didn’t dogs bark at you seeing at your dhoties?” It augmented fire across my veins; I decided to take revenge in the same manner, at the same moment itself. I replied “I am glad to inform you that they didn’t and I think this sad state would have happened with your father and it might have prompted you to pose this question to me, my apologies to you!” The whole class erupted with laughter. This incident not only helped me to save my stake, but also spread my name in the campus.

Tipped by,
Kanagasabai S

Friday, 25 July 2008

Equity to idiosyncratic

Each human brain thinks differently, which makes him/her unique. You cannot expect what you think is correct to be acceptable for others too. This statement can be proven by taking into consideration the ability of students to write different answers for same question. Though some will beat around the bush, some others nail at exact once, while others provide a new angle and rest completely wrong. Their answers show the type they are, like ordinary, studious, genius and misconstrued respectively. So, it is up to us to allow the new ideas, explore it and acknowledge it at correct time and place. This way creativity will sprout into tree of innovation in this society. These lines remind me of the following hilarious episode.
In a mental rehabilitation center, it was decided to check how well the patients have responded to the new treatment and discharge them, if their mental ability was found satisfactory. So, first three patients were taken for check up. The doctor gave each patient a cycle with no wheels, and asked them to ride it. The first two climbed on the cycle, pressed the pedals very fast, while the other was just sitting on it quietly. The doctors were astonished and happy, that at least one had responded to the treatment. It is human tendency to confirm or take a second opinion about the result they had obtained. So, they asked him, why didn’t he ride the cycle? He replied with a shocking expression “How could I pedal, when cycle is moving down in the subway due to gravity!”

Tipped by
Kanagasabai S

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Rolling Model

“Who is your Role Model?”
This question is usually posed by elders to kids, to know how he/she wants to become in future, what principles they think is right or wrong, to get a better preview of them.
So, the kids with glowing eyes and anxious smile reply the greats enlisted in the history books or the industrial giants of current affairs as taught by their parents, to get an impression that they are going to be incredible ones in the future society. What is the use of it? Gain admission in institutes? Score more marks? Or get respect and admiration from others? Your role model has to inspire you, not for others! It’s not needed that your role model must be a renowned one, but he has to bring effective change in you. Pearl forms from ordinary dew drops only!

Kids, naturally get inspired from living examples. Moreover these living examples also help them to overcome difficulties in flesh as a guide. No one is perfect to full extent. Each one poses a unique quality. When Draupadi asked for husband with five qualities righteous, strong, dexterous, modest and tolerant, Krishna endow her with five husbands namely Pancha Pandava! So, kids have to gather each quality from each person whom they see in their day to day life. I get inspired by the following persons for their unique quality.
Sacrifice – My mother
Modesty – My father
Devotion - Mr.Srinivasan (XII Math Tuition Teacher) towards his mother
Punctuality – Our Milkman and his wife
Jovial – X Class mate, Arul
Sincerity, Hard Work - XII Class Mates

So, the question arises, what am I for? I get respite from the quote I saw in one of the co-passenger's T-Shirt of MTC bus
“I am not totally useless; I can be used as a Bad Example”

Tipped by,
Kanagasabai S

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Indian Geniuses

8th May, 2008

In an Indian parent opine, a child will be termed to be an all rounder when he excels in all streams of education. Note the usage of words EXCELL, EVERY and EDUCATION. These words emphasize that a child has to learn with or without interest the trends of today’s world such as cricket, skating, computer and latest item added to this kitty is spelling of obnoxious English words. This hapless expectation doesn’t stop with here, it also demands the infantile to bulge into a professional and win laurels for parents to boast off.
Preamble of constitution has words to protect the freedom of speech, rights of honorable citizens, sovereignty, etc. But has cast doubts in the minds of student for freedom to pursue their interest and nurture natural talents which might be out of box for today’s fashion. The nation which had been motherland of geniuses like Aryabhatta, Ramanujam, Rabindranath Tagore, Subhramaniya Bharathi, has only fingered number of Homo sapiens who had got world recognition in the past 30 years for their panoramic thoughts! Who is to be blamed for this cataclysm situation, the stereotyped theoretical education, or the education advisers of the nation, or the people itself?
“Awake, arise, the world needs you! “

Outlook tipped by,
è Kanagasabai s J

Friday, 18 July 2008

Childhood – Stepping Up

8th May, 2008

Sounds of laughter filled the ear drums. Entire hall was energetic with mood of happiness. The audience cheered the participants and applauded excellent performance. The students were then asked to have their refreshment outside the seminar hall. Two biscuits with steaming cup of tea were waiting to energize the exhausted youths. His eyes were keenly watching the excitement in his peer group assembled while his hands were busy in catering to the refreshment needs of them. His presence was noticed by none present in the hall, except the canteen manager who was there to make sure that everything goes well. He was admiring at the fluency with which they spoke English, discussed some foreign words related to education and happenings of that day’s events.
This experience he had every time when a symposium was organized at our college, but he never got bored with it, such was his flair towards education. The very look in his eyes made me to pen this column today. The irony of child labor drew my interest. My wits became restless to find a way to help this bud to blossom, still no ray of hope reached this end of the dark tunnel. Only scenes from “Taare Zameen Par” flashed in my mind. Aamir Khan offers the infantile employee of the tea shop some snacks, enquires him with words filled with concern and affection. This act, though appears to be petite, child’s face got elated with happiness that there is someone in this world to care about him and listen to his requests, though not fulfill it.
This has provided me the solution needed. I will oppose child labor through all possible means which can be afforded by me, and at the same time help them, make them feel important in this society not as a burden.
“When there is a will, there is a way!”

Outlook tipped by,
è Kanagasabai S J

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Tastes of Jams

"Have you seen snail? you work like that!" these words were showered upon me by primary teacher.I recollect these words whenever i travel in today's roads.

I got dressed up in dark blue pant and light blue shirt with a matching dark blue stripped tie. Also with black shoes. got into mtc bus to reach my destination. atlast when i reched after a long short journey at the speed of 00009*10^-3km/sec, it was difficult to distinguish whether tie was better in stripes or my pressed dress with stripes caused by rush in the bus.My well polished shoes had the footprints of many known/unknown souls which appeared as a modern art of spirals and lines.Yet, i felt myself to be blessed as the state of the driver and conductor of the bus is worse than mine.

You would be jam packed in the bus as pickle in a pickle bottle.Believe it or not! when a person gets in or out of bus, you are provided a free treatment package of accupuncture,body message and touch therapy all at a time and that too free of cost.if you have forgot to hear suprabhatam in the morning, no need to worry, you can tune your ears to remix of suprabhatam from conductor of the bus, by just giving Rs 500 note for a 3 rupee ticket(you can also use 50 rupees note, but for better results use the former).Not only this, you are also provided a free test to see how competitive you are in this business world.

Objective of the test is to occupy just now evacuated seat.
judjing criteria are
1>how much attentive you are
2>how tactical is your approach
3>whether you succeded or not
If you accomplish this mission, the happiness you derive out of its success is superior than the one with your girlfriend.

the MTC ride is always the chakravyuha puzzle faced by abhimanyu like us.once you get in, it is ten times difficult to get out. you should make preparations to get out before the five stops from your destination.move inch by inch as the metro water and reach the foot can confirm your status when you hear the icy words of conductor for footboard travelling.

donot come to the conclusion that the solution is to own your vehicle, it is like jumping from frying pan to fire directly.

so the formulae for sucess is
1>eat well, excercise well, have a strong body build up
advantage->you can easily smash the obstrucles in your path(both movable(humans) and immovables)
2>be small in size, think intelligently
advantage->you can quickly get in and out and fit into anypart of the carrier(bus)

choose the one which suits your physique

suggestion->don't be an intermediate, you would be intermented by a interminable process.

Rest In Next