Tuesday, 25 December 2007

The Magic Of New Year Resolution

Practise makes man perfect. When a good habit is sown and nurtured properly, like a banyan tree, it grows and helps to automatically cultivate other habits too.Generally people are procrastinators. So the custom of new year resolution helps people to at least make attempts. Learn every time, master it one day when they have full dedication.
It would be good, if we think and act every day as D-day which will make us as scintillating personalities.Then why to be a procrastinator?

This title reminds me of my funny friend.At every years start, he would make new year resolution that he should not tell lies throughout that year.When the imperialistic, lord of treacherous world of Hindi enters on new year's day into the arena called classroom and casts the deadly spell of avera ka devra in the form of question "have you all done the holiday homework ?". Automatically, my friend shoots his hand high in the air and says "Yes Madam !"

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rest In Next

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Classical All Rounders

The location in a map where new ideas are born and nurtured in modern world is educational institutions. The most lively part, filled with lot of action and thriller in whole institution are the class rooms.A group of young minds interact with the experienced ones, pose questions, find solutions for it which triggers the wheel of innovation.

Above description does not suite for all institutions as it gives them a serious and studious look.Mostly it is a different world within it. Generally in earth you can find different kinds of people, say capitalists, socialists, communists and others who don't know what they are and don't care about it.Exactly the same prevails in classrooms too. Each student is different in thinking, appearance, etc..

According to me the toughest job on earth is that of a professor. he is a captain, a single person who has to control(i.e keep students awake) more than fifty ships amidst the terrible storm(loosing concentration and interest) and rough waves(lot of distractions). He is little different from original captain as he can evaluate his own performance in form of validating answer sheets of students.Every student has the extraordinary capacity to make unique mistake or write unique wrong answer for the same question.it shows their creativity.

Universal hypothesis is students in the front rows listen to each word uttered by the lecturer, the middle rows has to be forced to listen.Last few rows are like a country's borders which are usually hostile and inaccessible.But this is not what I observed in my classes.

The last few rows calls themselves as back bench boys. the name sounds as if they are rude young guns. But really they are cute little boys dreaming themselves to be Romeos and Alexanders.They are the only guys who follow the rule "Stay Awake All Time"(SAAT), since most of the times questions are targeted on them. they partially concentrate and in remaining time on opposite benches which gives them relaxation amidst the tiring schedule.(This statement is applicable to all boys irrespective of the row they sit, I hope it applies to opposite benches too).So there is always a huge demand for the last row seats like politician demand for MP seats.

Middle rows, the guys are really great geometricians and artists. Even picaso, euler & others would be amazed to see their works. We can pose these rare diagrams as questions for maths Olympiad. These shapes and figures drawn in their notes exhibit the zenith of creativity.These guys follow the rule "Mentally Absent Physically Present"(MAPP).

Now at last, the first row, amazing it is empty as an unoccupied island. Reason chalk dust, spit tings of lecturer, his/her loud voice which provides woofer effects have made it unsuitable for human inhabitation.So we move to last first few rows. Here the subjects will be normally be in sleeping state.This is the area were most lectures don't concentrate based on universal hypothesis. So guys take opportunity of the saying "Predator searches at all places for its prey but not under its nose".They also chat, sorry, discuss, better to say share their views on lattest news covering from new models of bike, cell phones, clubs, to TV shows and movies.Once in blue moon they think on projects and assignments as the deadline looms before them.

There is another kind of species available which inhabits in all rows of class. It has the unique capacity to fix its eyes on lecturer which adjusts the position as lecturer moves (like a radar )while the master is in a distant land fully under his control(in simple words day dreaming).

AT LAST, but not the least, there is a race which makes the optimum usage of class hours, they just simply sleep( i.e recharge their batteries).They remain exuberantly active after class hours and vice verse during the classes.They also provide some comedy scenes such as falling down on desks, acting as if awake which makes other viewers to laugh to their ends.

There occurs a rare phenomenon or say a cryptographic way of passing messages to each and every student using chits during lectures. These messages help in group communication.

I am sure that parliamentarians of various governments can surely learn from us on how to behave during such sessions, how to express our discontent and disinterestedness without affecting the proceedings.

Guys, Whatever role you play in the stage called class, try to make it a memorable one. Be an ALL ROUNDER.