Monday, 12 November 2007

Puppet Shows 2 Cartoons - An Era

CARTOONS AND KIDS Toady's cartoons have surely made children couch potatoes, but they have imparted moral values, common senses in them. It is the language understood only by children and those people who like to enjoy their life and also let others too to enjoy.It is a language full of colours, innocence, eagerness to learn and dream beyond scope.Yesterday it was pupet show, today's is cartoons.

In these cartoons they show lot of electronic gadgets usage which widens the horizon of thinking by children. The super powers possed by their heroes and their usage for protecting good values sows the seed of high values in young minds. But it also popularize the belief that violence alone can help to over throw injustice.

When i used to watch cartoons, i.e the ones shown in DoorDharshan my favourites were Talespin, Duck Tales, etc which were adventourous and also the characters which were naughty appealed to me most. Today i hear that Dragon Balls is a famous series which has enchanted a large number of youths.My all time favourite is Scooby Doo and his friends.

The popularity of these cartoons has lead to establishment of theme parks like DisneyLand @ USA and China, various small outlets of pizza hut, dress stores etc. These cartoon characters act as brand ambassadors too.

Whatever may be the age, how much ever we grow still there is a child left in us who always enjoys these cartoons and make us humans who alone can laugh and make others to laugh too.
So watch and let others watch!

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